Why RED TEA is better than GREEN TEA for your BODY

Green tea has long been accredited for its health and wellness profits, as well as weight loss support. The evidence is indisputable. But are we missing something better?

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It is right that green tea contains powerful antioxidants. These components supply to minimizing health threats such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

red tea vs green tea vs black tea

As a Weight Loss Expert, it has been my main goal to share useful tips and tricks for those pursuing finest health. In upholding my compulsion to simplicity, I am about to disclose how green tea, although helpful, is steadily losing value in the light of its delicious rival – red bush.

Red bush or Rooibos, also known as red tea, is equally high in antioxidants. However, sourced from
different substances to that of green tea. The antioxidants enclosed in rooibos , aspalathin and nothofagin  are moderately rare and assist to regulate blood sugar, decrease excessive fat production, stress and inhibit metabolic disorders.

After the results of current studies - alongside my own findings connected to the main players
in sustainable weight loss; I consider red tea a necessary. As well as preventing heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more…….., it is an available and effective answer to weight

This year I began the manufacture of my Red Tea Detox. A main goal was to control the incredible benefits of rooibos whilst combining the element with a number of other - equally valuable elements.

Rooibos means red bush. The plant is readily available, with leaves that turn red upon fermentation. With so much potential to help with our health and wellness journeys. I considered it mistaken to ignore the power of the plant.

Unlike green tea, red tea does not contain caffeine and therefore drinking the blend at night
won’t leave you twitchy.

One more factor of its ultimate supremacy is simply – taste. The bitterness of green tea is often
accredited to its high tannin content, which is less prevalent in red tea.

A lot of health products do not aim to link the gap between adults and young children. But the pursuit of health is of alike significance for both demographics. Which is why I’ve?
Designed a recipe that caters to all ages and tastes, with the inclusion of a sweetened Version of the recipe.

This meticulous Red Tea Detox program is clean and matchless, already actively transforming
lives since its launch.

Click here to check it out – *www.redteadetox.com*

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